The short answer to the first question is that two different groups of companies decided to attack the problem in parallel and independently. 对于第一个问题的一个简短的回答是确定两个不同的组来并行且独立地攻击问题。
Before the crackdown, groups from Germany and Japan were the biggest buyers of US companies. 在打击行动开始之前,德国和日本企业是美国企业的最大收购方。
However, there are still quantifiable differences between ethnic groups in the specific types of companies and compensation packages which are perceived as ideal, he said. 但是,在具体的公司类型与心中理想的薪酬计划方面,各种族团体之间存在可以量化的差异,他表示。
Private equity groups, often attacked as predators of listed companies, are having an unexpected beneficial effect on conglomerates, by helping them to buy and sell businesses more easily. 通过帮助集团企业更加便利地买卖业务部门,常被指责为上市企业掠夺者的私人股本集团为集团企业带来了意想不到的有益影响。
Analysts said that IT outsourcing groups were successfully inserting themselves into the supply chains of western companies, many of which were now seeking ways to cut costs in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. 分析师表示,印度IT外包集团成功打入西方企业的供应链。在全球金融危机后,许多西方企业正想方设法削减成本。
The trust companies cater largely to two groups of clients: private companies that need capital and cash-rich families in search of higher returns. 信托公司主要为两类客户服务:需要资金的私营企业以及资金充裕寻求更高回报率的家庭。
These groups 'recent profits were boosted by sales of companies they acquired several years ago. 这些集团出售几年前收购的公司,推升了它们近期的利润。
In agriculture, social venture capitalists such as Indus Basin holdings are leading efforts to link groups of small-scale rice farmers to multinational companies. 在农业领域,indusbasinholdings等社会风投机构正在为建立小规模水稻种植户与跨国公司之间的联系发挥引导作用。
Chinese trust companies cater largely to two groups of clients: privately owned companies which have trouble accessing capital in the traditional banking system, and wealthy families in search of higher returns. 中国信托公司的客户大体分为两类:难以在传统银行业体系中获得资金的民营企业;以及寻求更高收益的富裕家族。
Each year a few technology study missions were organised to lead groups of Singapore companies to attend exhibitions and visit advanced counterparts in the West. 同时,每年还组织几次新加坡公司出国进行技术考察学习,参观行业展览和访问西方先进的同行。
The consulting firm applied the technique to progressively larger groups of companies, and each time it found that the highest-scoring firms were also the most productive and profitable. 此后这家咨询公司逐渐将这个方法用于更多的公司,每次都发现得分最高的公司同时也是最高效、最能盈利的公司。
The two groups are among a handful of companies trying to develop mines in the far west of Australia's Midwest, where much of the ore was deemed uneconomical to mine until ore prices started soaring on strong Asian demand. 有几家公司试图在澳大利亚中西部以西地区开矿,其中就包括上述两家公司。在亚洲的强劲需求导致铁矿石价格飞涨之前,该地区的大量铁矿石曾被认为成本过高,不适于开采。
In a report to be published on Thursday, the groups rank Apple last in a list of 29 multinational technology companies based on how each company dealt with inquiries about pollution and occupational health hazard incidents at factories in their supply chain. 在将于周四发表的报告中,这些组织根据各公司对其供应链工厂污染和职业健康风险事故的询问的应对方式,列出了一份29家跨国科技公司的名单,苹果在其中排名垫底。
But in contrast to their experience in China, private equity groups have not been able to take many of their US companies public and return cash to investors in their US funds in 2010. 但与在中国的情况不同,私人股本公司能够让所投资美国公司上市的情况并不多,从而无法在2010年向其美国基金的投资者返还现金。
The Ministry of metallurgical industry has not had the strength to conduct effective operations, nor have the leading groups of some steel companies and plants. 冶金部作战就没有力量嘛。有些公司、钢厂的领导班子作战也没有力量。
By doing t test for mean difference and Wilcoxon Signed ranks test on 13 financial variables for the two groups of companies, we select the appropriate set of financial variables. 首先对两组公司的13个财务变量,进行均值的t检验和Wilcoxon秩检验。
Part Two and Part Three analyzes the formation model of de facto groups of companies and the legal principle of the protection for small shareholders of subsidiary companies. 第二、三部分对事实型公司集团形成模式及其从属公司小股东保护的法理进行了分析。
A modern enterprise system should be established in four phases: transformation of enterprise operating mechanisms, establishment of petroleum enterprise groups of which the petroleum companies are the core participants, auditing and e-valuation of assets, and corporate reorganization. 建立现代石油企业制度应分四步进行,即转变企业经营机制、建立以油公司为核心层的石油企业集团、清产核资及公司制改组。
There are three groups of factors in the growth of software companies: external environment, strategy, and internal resources and competencies. 软件企业的成长受外部环境、战略、企业内部资源和胜任等多个因素的影响。
A Study on the Classification of Strategic Groups Based on Enterprise Value and Strategic Comparison of Listed Companies in Chinese Automobile Industry 我国汽车上市公司基于企业价值的战略集团划分及其战略比较研究
Universal operation shall be permitted for financial groups in the form of holding companies; 允许金融集团通过控股公司的形式进行跨业经营;
Further, this paper divides sample companies into two groups of companies by industry, one group is cyclical companies, and the other is non-cyclical companies. Empirical research finds that the above phenomenon is more obvious in the cycle group. 进一步地,本文将样本公司按行业分为周期性公司和非周期性公司,实证发现,上述的宏观流动性对盈利定价的影响在周期类股票中表现更加明显。
After the two groups of difference comparison of the software companies in China and India, three main finds are concluded. 之后对三类软件外包公司进行了两组差异性比较,得出了三个主要发现。
Chosen by the market environment, the fittest survived. Some firms slowly grew into large enterprises or groups, but most of the companies are still marking time or closed down. 在市场环境的优胜劣汰下,部分企业慢慢成长为大企业、大集团,而大部分的企业却依旧原地踏步或倒闭。
In recent years, because of the increasing number of customer groups and types of services provided by companies, the number of customer complaints is increasing quickly. 近年来,运营商提供的服务种类和客户群体数量不断增加,导致了客户投诉数量也呈现出急剧上升的趋势。
In order to adapt change of internal and external environment, China telecom put forward the strategic aim of transforming. G Telecom Company is a subsidiary of China Telecom Groups, one of the major telecom companies in the western region of China. 基于内外部环境的变化,中国电信提出战略转型的目标,G电信公司是中国电信集团下属的省级公司,作为西部地区的主流电信运营商之一,具有一定的代表性。
This paper, bases on the cases of five groups of companies, which all famous in domestic or abroad, studies the problem of stability in non-competitive strategic alliances. 本文运用案例研究的方法,以国内外五组知名企业间的联盟为例,研究了非竞争性战略联盟的稳定性问题。
Port/ stevedoring companies normally are state-owned large groups. Training program is of great impact towards the companies 'existence and development. 港口企业通常为国有特大型企业集团,开展培训对于企业的存续发展具有重要的作用。
This method is used to identify strategic groups of listed companies in the steel industry. 将该方法应用于钢铁行业上市公司的战略集团的识别。